Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Water Source & Sustainability

There is more than 1. 4 billion cubic kilometres of water on the earth. If divided evenly enough to give every man, woman & child 230 million cubic meters. However 98% of that is saltwater and nearly 1% of it is locked as polar icecaps. Less than 1 percent of the Earth's freshwater is accessible in lakes, rivers, and groundwater aquifers. This vital 1 percent of available freshwater is con- stantly in motion, either flowing in rivers, evaporating and moving around the globe as water vapour, falling from the sky as rain or snow, or filtering slowly through the earth to emerge somewhere else. It is a renewable resource on which we all completely depend upon. It is the genesis and continuing source of all life on earth. The most accessible water is that which flows in river channels or is stored in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. The major portion of the water diverted for human needs is taken from this renewable, readily accessible part of the world's freshwater resources. Although the total volume of water conveyed annually by the world's rivers is about 43,000 km3, most of this occurs as floods. The low river flows (base flows) make up only about 19,000 km3. Of this, about 12,500 km3 can be accessed, and present levels of withdrawal accounts for 4000km3. This withdrawal is expected to reach 5000 Km3 per year by the 2025. The demand for freshwater increased six-fold between 1900 and 1995 nearly twice the rate of population growth. One third of the world's population today already live in countries experiencing medium to high water stress. Water Stress Water stress for a river basin is defined as the water resources available in that basin. The water stress for a country is the summation of water stress for all its river basins. Water stress begins when the withdrawals of water of freshwater rises above 10 percent of renewable resources. Medium to high stress translates as water use that exceeds 20 percent of available water supply. Countries experience high water stress when the ratio of water use to supply exceeds 40 percent. At such levels, their patterns of use may not be sustainable, and water scarcity is likely to become the limiting factor to economic growth. High water stress and unsustainable rates of withdrawal are already being experienced in Central and South Asia, where annual water ithdrawals compared with available water resources are 50 percent or more. In the dry season, water scarcity occurs throughout Asia and the Pacific, and increased rainfall variability as a result of global climate change will worsen this problem. Water scarcity will affect food security throughout Asia and the Pacific. The global population will expand from today's 6 billion people to almost 8 billion in 2025. By then, more than 80 percent of the world's population will be living in developing countries. The World Meteorological Organization estimates, assuming the renewable water resources will remain unchanged, that the number of countries facing water stress will increase from 29 today to 34 in 2025. How these countries manage their water resources, and whether they can produce sufficient food for their growing populations while catering to their water needs and preserving natural environments, have important implications. Nearly 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals are directed toward agriculture, mainly for irrigation. By some estimates (UN 1997), annual irrigation water use will have to increase about 30 percent above present use for annual crop production to double and meet global food requirements by 2025. The industry sector, which accounts for about 22 percent of current freshwater withdrawals globally, is likely to require an increasing share in all regions of the world. In developing countries, where 56 percent of the population will be living in urban areas by 2025, the share of water going toward domestic uses will also need to grow substantially. Asia and Water Asia has the lowest per capita availability of freshwater resources among the world's continents. The contrasts within the region are stark. Annual freshwater resources (in m3 per capita) reach as high as 200,000 in Papua New Guinea and as low as 2,000 in parts of South Asia and the PRC, and are generally below 20,000 in Southeast Asia. The region's weather is largely governed by a monsoon climate, which creates large seasonal variations in addition to spatial variation. The two most populous nations in the world, the PRC and India, will have 1. 5 billion and 1. billion people, respectively, by 2025, by which time the availability of freshwater will have dropped to 1,500 m3 per capita in India and 1,800 m3 in the PRC. Many of countries depend heavily on groundwater exploitation to supplement scarce surface water resources. In Bangladesh, groundwater abstraction already represents 35 percent of total annual water withdrawals; in India, 32 percent; in Pakistan, 30 percent; and in PRC, 11 percent. Groundwater overuse and aquifer depletion are becoming serious problems in the intensively farmed areas of northern PRC, India, and Pakistan. In heavily populated cities land is subsiding as groundwater is withdrawn to serve the needs of their growing urban populations, and saltwater intrusion is rendering much of the groundwater unusable. War for Water International conflicts over water are becoming more frequent as competition for available freshwater resources increases. There are 215 international rivers as well as about 300 groundwater basins and aquifers that are shared by several countries. The 1996 treaty signed by Bangladesh and India for managing flows in the Ganges-Brahmaputra system represents a major breakthrough for rational approaches to shared water resources. However, more than 70 water-related flash points have been identified, mainly in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. Eight countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on international rivers to supply more than 30 percent of their annual water resources. Four of these (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on water from external sources for more than 65 percent of their annual water resources. Making better use of Asia's shared rivers is an unfinished agenda with potentially large benefits to millions of poor people in the region. However, formulating agreements between sub-regions to enable equitable sharing of resources and better control of trans-boundary pollution has proven to be highly controversial and, in some cases, strongly divisive The reliability of water supplies in the face of such dependence is a key issue when seasonal variations, particularly droughts etc enter the equation. Unsustainable rates of groundwater extraction can only make matters worse. The impact of global climate change, which cannot be determined at this time, will be to increase the overall uncertainty within which water planners operate. Floods and droughts Floods and droughts have always been features of life on earth and have produced some of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. Due to inappropriate land use and land management practices, uncoordinated and rapid growth of urban areas, and loss of natural flood storage wetlands, floods are becoming more frequent. Flooding is the hazard that affects more people than any other associated damage to property and is escalating. Destruction of forest cover has altered the hydrologic cycle and reduced water retention in forest soils. Accompanying soil erosion has permanently stripped fertile topsoil from vast areas, leading to further degradation of river basins and threatening the basis for sustainable natural resource management. Global climate change will have unpredictable but potentially devastating consequences for the hydrologic cycle by changing the total amount of precipitation, its annual and seasonal distribution, the onset of snowmelt, the frequency and severity of floods and droughts, and the reliability of existing water supply reservoirs. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the frequency of droughts could rise by 50 percent in certain parts of the world by 2050. Water Pollution Emerging Asia, published by ADB in 1997, identified water pollution as the most serious environmental problem facing the region. Water pollution exacerbates the problem of water scarcity at local and regional levels by reducing the amount of water available for productive purposes. Water pollution comes from many sources, including untreated sewage, chemical discharges, spillage of toxic materials, harmful products leached from land disposal sites, agricultural chemicals, salt from irrigation schemes, and atmospheric pollutants dissolved in rainwater. The direct disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater into watercourses is the major source of pollutants in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, faecal pollution is one of the most serious problems, affecting both surface water and groundwater bodies and leading to a tenacious persistence of such waterborne diseases as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. Estimates of the increase in water pollution loads in high growth areas of Asia over the next decades are as high as 16 times for suspended solids, 17 times for total dissolved solids, and 18 times for biological pollution loading. The combined volume of water used and water needed to dilute and flush pollutants is almost equal to the volume of accessible freshwater in the world's river systems. The development of freshwater resources for human uses has compromised natural ecosystems that depend on these resources for their continued integrity. Freshwater ecosystems, comprising lakes, rivers, and wetlands, have already lost a greater proportion of species and habitat than land or ocean ecosystems. Unrestricted development of surface water and groundwater has altered the hydrologic cycle and threatens the natural functions of deltas and wetlands. Wetlands have been converted to cropland, and rivers that channelled water to estuaries and deltas have dried up. Diminished productive potential, loss of vegetation, increased health risks, and irreversible desecration of aquatic biota are the sad legacy. Water Management Traditionally seen as limitless bounty, water has only recently been recognized as a scarce resource, and only since the 1950s have policymakers begun to espouse the economic and environmental values of water. A consensus is growing among scientists, water planners, governments, and civil society that new policies and approaches will have to be adopted within the next two decades to avoid calamity, and that supply, use, and management of water resources will have to be integrated across sectors and between regions sharing the same source. New projects for dams, water storage, irrigation, drainage, flood protection, and water supply will continue to be needed in many countries where the basic water requirements for people have not yet been met. Lack of effective water policies and institutional arrangements is a pressing issue. Sustainability criteria will predominate in decision making and particular emphasis will be given to environmental and social values.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Color of Law Essay

As a Legal Management Student who will soon be proceeding to Law, I have learn and realized so many things about being a lawyer when I finished reading the Color of Law by Mark Gimenez. When I was still a little child my dream was to become best lawyer so I can help those unfortunate people. I always thought being a lawyer is about helping, defending, and giving justice to my fellow Filipinos. I also thought that when I become a lawyer I can have lots of money to provide my needs and as to my family. I also thought that those lawyers were the best because they gamble their lives every day just to defend the citizens of its country. Then I have realized that it is just all in my imagination because in the real world lawyers do not usually do everything right, sometimes it is all lies in my eyes. â€Å"Scotty, the color of law isn’t black-and-white, it’s green! The rule of law is money—money rules! Money makes the law and the law protects the money! And lawyers protect the people with money!† –Dan Ford With this line it made me realize that for some lawyers they do not put their hearts in protecting the law but their ambition and love for money. It also made me realize that the codes and rules made in black-and-white does not already governs the law and the people but it is the money that makes the world go round. I have also realized that some lawyer’s cheat under the law, they do not even care about giving justice to the unfortunate or to the innocent but they make the wrong right in the eyes of others. Lastly, I have realized that when money is involved justice is not followed by its right purpose. But what I have learned from this statement is that when I become a lawyer in the future I should fight for the right thing and not blind myself with the wrong one for money. I have also learned that we are the future generations and we should not be poisoned by what is happening now but rather should make a change for the better of the society. In the story I have seen that Scott and his other colleague’s works in a best and the most famous Law Firm. I have just realized that they are working in a best and the most famous Law Firm is because they have worked hard in attaining their college degree. I have also realized that they are highly paid by the firm because they belong to the top students of the best university in Dallas. So I have learn that if I want to be employed by the most famous law firm in the Philippines, I have to work hard to be one of the best students in my future law school. I have also learned that for me to be highly paid by my employer in the future I must be one of the bar top-notcher. Though I do not promise to be this in the future but it made me realized that trying can always be the best solution. Third, I have seen in the story that when Scott was appointed to be the lawyer of Shawanda who is a prostitute and a drug addict that he did not truly believe that she is innocent. I have realized that most of the best lawyers are not usually the best when it comes to their jobs as a lawyer because a lawyer must not judge their clients but must always put their clients to be innocent. I have learn that when a lawyer what to prove her client innocent, he must first have faith and belief of her client’s innocence from the crime. It is important because when you as her lawyer do not believe that she is innocent then she might lose her confidence and instead force to tell a lie and may commit a greater mistake. Fourth, I have also seen in the story that when Scott was about to lose everything, he did not care or think about his family or what could happen to his family. Although Scott was just being kind, he just cared for his client and even doing the right thing but for me family is the most important thing in the world. I would not want to give up everything just for my clients but instead I would fight all these circumstances just to defend my family from all of these. I have realized with this that there is no purpose of winning a case if you do not have a real and complete family to celebrate with. I have learned from this that when I become a lawyer in the future I would do everything to defend my client and do the right thing but in a right way. Fifth, I have realized from the story that they portrait or described lawyers as cheaters, dishonest, and immoral. I think that this is not a good example to those young aspiring lawyers to be. I have learned that as of today being a student aspiring to be a lawyer in the future, I would do my best to practice law in a lawful and in a moral way. I would also start to respect the law by putting God first so I would be guided on what is best way to solve without being a distraction to the society. I think that if lawyers do the right thing with good and moral intention then we could have a peaceful society and justice would be given fairly. I have learned that being a lawyer with good moral character is what a lawyer should be proud of and not the multiple numbers of cases he had won because at the end of the day people do not usually care about you but you instead could make yourself proud of what you did. I have seen that Scott did not totally believe in God’s grace on how he would handle with his life. I believe that God is the center of everything so we must put him first in everything that we do. I believe that with every profession when you just trust God, he would help you be the most successful person. I have seen from Scott’s situation that he did not trust God or pray for Shawanda’s life to be reformed but instead he judged her until the end. I have learned from it and I promised myself that when I become a lawyer I would definitely put and trust God first in every case that I would encounter. With this inspiration I would be able to abide and follow the law in a right way. â€Å"VOIR DIRE † is a legal phrase meaning â€Å"to speak the truth.† I really think that these words are the most important thing to be remembered in practicing the law. I have learned from the book that being a lawyer you must first put in mind or practice to speak the truth because as a lawyer you stand to be the leader of the law. I also think that if you speak the truth then the truth would prevail. Also speaking for the truth is a way of respecting the rules of the law and yourself. I also think that if you have this within you then you will also be spoken by the truth by others. I learned that in a court trial people do not usually want to hear the truth and just cared about winning the case but when one speaks of the truth then we would have a peace of mind, heart and a clean conscience. I believe that professors should not only teach about the subject matter but must educate their students to be a lawyer who has dignity to stand for the truth. I also believe that a parent should teach and practice their children to tell the truth because they might turn out to be lawyers in the far future. I am thankful that we were tasked to read this book because it made me realized so much about how lawyers act and deal with different cases that they had encountered. I have now learned how they worked, how they find and gather those evidences about the complainant without complicating things. I have also learned how a case works on a real court, how suspects and the witness is asked about the case. I now know how the lawyers asked each witness facts out of the blue and find out the real suspect. And because of this book I have now learn so much on how to be a better lawyer and not follow the footsteps of those lawyers who are deceitful and dishonest. Now I know how to deal with suspects that are involved in criminal cases by respecting and not judging them with what other people think of them. I have realized that I should be different to make a mark and be known to people and my clients in the future by my good moral character. I have also learned that when I become a lawyer, I would not do something deceitful, fraudulent or immoral just to win a case and make a lot of money but I would do the right thing even though I won’t be remembered from it. After reading the book I have fully made up my mind that I would be taking up law school. I promised myself to study well and make my parents proud of me. I think the book stand as an inspiration to me to become a best and better lawyer than those describe by the book. I want to be different from them because I see their life unhappy and not contented with what they have. I hate how the lawyers wanted to be the best and even more, I think it is childish because when you’re a lawyer you should be proud of what you’re capable of and make the most out of it or you should learn from every mistake you take and be better. But despite the wrong this Scott Fenney had done in the past, I still idolized him and wanted to be liked him in the future because it taught me that his intelligence got him to his dreams. Also I idolized him because he fought for the right and defended her client even if she is known to be a prostitute and a drug addict. I idolized him for turning his mistakes and made it right by leaving his past life from being one of the rich citizens of Dallas. I also idolized him for being a responsible son to his mother because although his mother was dead, he did his best to rich his mother’s dream for him to have and reach everything they had in mind together. And lastly, I want to be liked him because although he was not a very good husband to his wife because he did not stop his wife from leaving him still he was a good and the best father to his daughter Boo. He did a great job taking care of his daughter and making her part of his career by sharing how his job works. He also inspired me because he help and let Pajamae stay at their home despite the fact that she is black and a daughter of a prostitute and a drug addict. â€Å"Brilliant lawyers without rich clients are worthless to large law firms† I think this is true because being in a large law firm you have to maintain the amount of money you contribute. Also in a law firm you have partners who trust you by bringing their firms name but of course you have to pay back. This is why you owe the firm for giving you clients because clients does not directly go and see a personal lawyer but they trust a big law firm where they can be sure not to be disappointed. Also lawyers that are less brilliant and less intelligence with rich clients are still worthless or useless because all though you will still be paid large still clients would not be satisfied by the result and does want to go back. I think that being a good lawyer is better than being a rich lawyer but you suffer with your criminal or fraudulent actions. When I become a lawyer I would first make sure and review my actions before I mixed my career with money. I believe that my reputation and my character is the best thing that I can be proud even without money. I may be poor by this belief or thinking but being a lawyer can be a great value as money is. I also believe that this will find me happiness and peace but money will only buy happiness temporarily. Being a lawyer with a good heart will be permanent to my being. I know that if I would just do what a lawyer should really do I would be blessed by my clients that can see my efforts and pay me good money. With this I know that I have worked hard for that money and not earn a lot of money for something I did not do. I want be paid by my hard worked and efforts that I had invest than being paid and never returned the worth. I have also realized that maybe someday I would enter politics and maybe become one of the senators in the Philippines but that I can sure that when such time comes I would definitely return the favor for putting me in a great position. I would stay in the position as a fair senator who will do everything for the better of the society. I would not be like Senator McCall in the story that buys everything with money and expect to cover up all the bad information’s about him. In real life when we commit mistakes we should not cover it up but instead we ask for forgiveness to those who we had hurt and learn from it. People will understand and eventually forgive you in time because we all know that nobody’s perfect and we all make mistakes. I think the book is good because it made lawyers see what a true lawyer is from lawyers who are just pretending to be the best but they really are foolish. I also like how the book portrayed and describe every detail how the characters are because we learn from their characters. Just like Rebecca who is ambitious and was just after the money that Scott can offer. She does not even make Scott feel loved because she does not allow him to touch her. I did not also liked her character because she did not appreciate how Scott worked hard just to give her what she dreamed of, from a mansion, car, dresses and a great husband who loved her so much. And lastly, her character of leaving his child and husband for a golf boy who does not have anything to offer her and she is not even sure that he really love her or just for money. She was not a good example to her daughter for how she acted in times of worst which might happen and followed by her daughter. She should have said sorry to her daughter for leaving them not saying goodbye because she is better without her, a child would not understand that. Summary Scott Fenney, a successful lawyer who knows how to bend the rules, mastering the creative skills of being a lawyer and a lawyer who makes lots of money from it. He graduated as a top student from SWU. He has a wife Rebecca and a daughter named Boo. They lived happily and peacefully at a mansion at Highland Park and he drives a Ferrari. He works at the Ford Stevens Law firm and earns half and more than a million in a year. The Ford Stevens Law firm is known to be the best law firm in the state. He is a corporate lawyer who represents corporations and never represented an individual person convicted of crime. A case was broadcast to the public news about the murder of Clark McCall who is the son of the Senator Mack McCall in Dallas, Mexico. Clark McCall was found dead in his bedroom shot above his left eye and the murder was suspected to be the prostitute Shawanda Jones who has been with him on the day he died. The case does not involve Scott and his life was perfect until Judge Buford appointed to be the lawyer of Shawanda Jones to defend her from the crime of murder. He visited Shawanda from the jail and he witness that she is a heroin addict. He asked Shawanda about the crime and what happened. Shawanda told her story to Scott that she was picked up by Clark at Harry Hines Boulevard and was promised to be paid a thousand dollars to spend a night with him. They then arrived at Clark’s placed and to his bedroom but then Clark started to slap her that she in return punched him in the eye and kicked him in the balls, that he fell to the floor and she took her thousand dollars and his car keys and drove herself back to Harry Hines and left the car there. Scott asked her why was her weapon used in the crime scene, she then explained that it might have slipped from her purse when she was in a rush from getting away. Scott then asked her why she does she carry a gun in her purse, she then answered that she lives in the project where your life may be in danger anytime. Scott did not believe at that time, he believes that when your gun is the murder weapon of the crime scene then you must have done it. Dan Ford owner of the Ford Stevens Law firm is the personal lawyer of Senator McCall and was told that he should convinced his lawyer to declined or put down the case. Dan then told Scott that it would not be good for the Law Firm’s image to engage in a case of murder because they represent known associates of a corporation. He warned Scott that it would destroy his career to represent a prostitute. Scott also did not want the job appointed to him and wanted to assign another lawyer Bobby as a substitution. Bobby is a criminal defense lawyer but is not a very successful lawyer, he even envy and is jealous of Scott’s successful career because he does earn much as his friend do. He accepted the job offered to him by Scott but when they represented to court and told the judge about the substitution, Shawanda had a choice to choose which lawyer she wants to represent her and she still chose Scott. So Scott had no choice and pursued with the case despite the allegations and warnings about his career. Shawanda is a black woman who has a daughter named Pajamae who was left at their house at the projects. Scott was asked a favour from her to check on Pajamae and to bring her in jail to see her mother. The projects is a wild place in Dallas where black people lives and where troubles usually happen. He took Pajamae to her mother in jail and he was afraid to go back, so he decided to let Pajamae stay with his family in Highland Park where he has a daughter same as her age. His wife Rebecca did not like the idea about it but his daughter Boo did want to have a sister and she got along well with Pajamae. During the months before the trial, they gathered every facts and evidence to defend or prove Shawanda innocent. They investigate Clark’s background and found out that he has a history of alcohol and drug abuse, also some allegations of rape. I was brought to court about the issue then Senator McCall got angry of what Scott turned out to be. So the next following days Scott began to lose his car which was going to be taken away by the bank he owned a loan to. Then he needs to pay his bills but he was running out of cash. He was okay with losing everything because he knows he has clients who pay him half and more millions in a year but when he went to see his client Tom Dibrell, he was shocked that Tom is firing him. He blamed everything to Senator McCall but when he went to see and ask his boss Dan Ford to tell the bank to give him more time to pay his loan but Dan refused and Scott was confused but he then eventually connect the dots that Dan was the one behind all that is happening to him. Dan asked him again to put down the case but Scott refused then he was fired from the firm which was his only resort with his life problems. After losing everything he owned, his wife Rebecca left him because she cannot longer take the humiliation and what people would think. After everything that had happen he thought to himself to do his very best to prove to the public that he is a good lawyer and he can prove that despite Shawanda’s background she is innocent. They gathered name of some girls that Clark may had rape or sexual harassment but only one of the girl responded and wanted to be a witness. Hannah Steele did not file charges and damages when the time she was raped because she was scared and blackmailed by McCall so he kept quiet for a long time. They kept her named until the final trial because she is the only solution to prove that Clark was a rapist and a racist. The month of august was about to arrive but they are still not yet ready for the trial because they got only one witness and no other evidence about Shawanda’s innocent and to prove that Clark is a rapist and a racist. They had a last resort who is Carl an assistant of Bobby where he is investigating Clark’s background to gather other witness. So Scott and Bobby had only one blast who is Hannah Steele who apparently refused to speak on the day of the trial. Then Scott did not know what to do, what to ask the witness of the other side of the case just to defend Shawanda. Then right after he was losing hope on winning the case, Carl arrived at the court and presented an envelope to Scott which has the flights from Washington to Dallas on the day Clark was murdered. The trial go on, Scott asked and listened to witnesses who are police and Fbi who were present on that day. He then realized after listening and seeing all the pictures of Clark’s murdered body that Shawanda was left-handed and that Clark was shot on the upper part of his right eye. So Scott made a realization that the murderer was a right-handed which is not Shawanda. So he gathered and reviewed all the flight documents from that day and found Clark’s flight and a related person to him was on a flight just next to his scheduled flight. The person related to him on the next flight with the same destination as him was Delroy Lund who is a bodyguard of his father Senator McCall. When Delroy was asked on court about his presence on the day Clark died he said he was in Washington with the Senator. Then when Scott presented the documents and asked him why was his name registered with his driver’s license number, he answered and made an alibi that he forgot about that day. Then he accidentally denied killing Clark but called him something foolish and the court suspected that he is the murderer. The court suspected and found him guilty of killing Clark because he really has hatred and jealousy from Clark and he followed him that day because she suspected that Clark was going to do something foolish again.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critical evaluation organization's Resources and Capabilities of Coursework

Critical evaluation organization's Resources and Capabilities of Starbucks in Thailand. (internal environment) - Coursework Example The company’s high return from its new investments, made in the booming market of Thailand, helps to capture the confidence and loyalty of its value chain partners and shareholders (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2010). Intangible Resources The company has gained a strong brand image in the global market, since the last forty years of its establishment, which has helped it to win active support of its business stakeholders in Thailand for its business projects. The quality product and valuable diversification have transformed the individuals of Thailand into loyal customers of the company. The efficient marketing strategy used by the company, for delivering new coffee deviations in the market, has helped it to gain popularity in the market of Thailand (Zhang and McCornac, 2013). Human Resources In Thailand, Starbucks Corporation uses wholly owned subsidiary model to expand its business. Roby (2011) found that human resource strategy of the company differs significantly with the change of entry mode or mode of business operation. As part of wholly owned subsidiary model in Thailand, 3 member core Store Development team works for the company to analyze the market potential of a particular store location and supervise the entire retail chain expansion strategy of the company (Getchee, 2013). Training and development of staff in different Starbucks stores in Thailand is being done in human resource departments of the team. Capability and skill level of staff in various retail stores of Starbucks is being enhanced through periodic training programs. Consideration of research works of Roby (2011) reveals the fact that Starbucks Corporation focuses on capturing local talents and individuals while expanding business in Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand or China because culture of these countries diverges significantly from western countries. To mitigate the cultural gap, in Thailand, the coffee retailing giant recruits more of Thai people who can understand local culture and customs and fulfil customer requirements in efficient manner. Therefore it can be said that Starbucks Corporation uses well defined human resource strategy develop talented and responsive human capital who can help the company to achieve business success in Thailand. Starbucks Capabilities Strategies in terms of Value Chain The value chain is the chain that denotes the various activities and services conducted by a firm in order to serve a valuable service or product in the market. Figure 1: Value Chain Diagram (Source: Porter, 2008) Inbound Logistic The company’s branch in Thailand offers a close-association among its investors, suppliers and customers in the market. Cocoa seeds have few cultivation fields worldwide. Thus, the company considers its suppliers to be very important as they supply the required raw materials to them at right time and place (Sridharan, Caines and Patterson, 2008). Operations The company claims that its primary operation in the m arket is to serve the world’s best coffee to the individuals. The Quality Strategy of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander - Essay Example Michelle Alexander has spoken on various events regarding the wrong judgmental basis when it comes to races in United States. The author of the most read book The New Jim Crow explains that the incarceration is itself a negative event in the history of America to which majority of the Americans also poses criticism (Alexander, 2013). The mass incarceration led into a major racial discrimination problem in United States. The mass imprisonment of a great deal of African Americans after the civil rights movement has proven that the policies of United States in terms of justice system remained weaker. Mass incarceration remains an issue in the present times as well. The ratio of mass incarceration seems to increase in the present times (Alexander, 2013). Talking about the impact that mass incarceration on the society as a general, it is considered that poor classes of the society are affected in terms of economic opportunities. It is the mind-set that has been set by the justice system because of which people are not able to trust minorities and especially African Americans. For instance, it is expected that mass incarceration will reduce the wages of the inmates. For people like them, it is expected that they will take a lot of years down the pipeline to evolve as middle class families (Alexander, 2013). Psychologically, people believed that white men with a criminal record can still be given different job opportunities while African Americans with a same record is completely denied of the jobs that they opt for. This is an open racial discrimination to which the authorities lack stance. It is expected that the future generations of the African Americans will be growing up with the rebellious attitude towards the white population which can prove to be very damaging for American society (Alexander, 2013). However, many claims that this aspect is quiet similar in other countries of the world such as Europe where every second African

Theory of Justice Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theory of Justice Analysis - Essay Example One is known as principle of liberty and the other as principle of difference. First Principle presented by Rawls The first principle of Rawls states that each and every person has equal rights to obtain all the basic necessities of life. Moreover, everyone should be allowed to practice whatever he or she wants as long as he or she stays within the established rules and regulations. According to Rawls, citizens should have basic freedom. It is the right of every citizen to vote for anyone and to run their businesses with ease. The tradition of rich people dominating the poor ones should be written off immediately. Furthermore, it is important that the citizens must have freedom of speech and should have the right to raise their voice against any sort of injustice or corruption. It has been noticed, in unfair societies, that properties of ordinary citizens are taken by the powerful citizens through unlawful means. This is something which cannot be justified whatsoever. People should h ave the liberty to own their personal properties and live in peace without the fear of anyone. Rawl also highlighted the importance of ethics within a nation. He argued that in order to maintain peace and prosperity in a nation it is essential that people are given the ‘liberty of conscience’ (Rawls, 1971). This would avoid hatred among the citizens and everyone will be able to live happily. Second Principle presented by Rawls In the second law of justice, Rawl mentioned that the citizens should be given equal opportunities to excel and prejudice should be discouraged. The selection of a person in an organization should totally be based upon merit. This will not only give the poor people an opportunity to sustain but would also help to improve the economy of the country. This will ensure that the most skilful people are selected which will in turn lead to more efficient results in the long term. Ethical Principles Beneficence Beneficence refers to the ability to acknowl edge what is good. An ethical perspective always aims to indicate the right thing to do. The principle of beneficence also resembles the principle of utility which stresses on maximization of good. Least Harm Least Harm is very much similar to beneficence, but it deals with situations where nothing favorable or positive is possible (Barton, & Karen, 1999). For such situations, the individual must choose the option that is least harmful. From the possible options left, he should go for the thing which will harm the fewest number of people. This principle aims to minimize damage for the whole society. Respect for Autonomy This principle allows people the freedom to make decisions of their lives. People should have the liberty to express their emotions in a manner they like without harming other members of the society. Justice Justice states that all the ethical theories should be based upon equality in order to judge a person. This means that all the decisions that are made should be made without any prejudice. All the decisions must be made without differentiating on the basis of color, caste, or creed. There should be a logical justification for all the decisions taken, especially when one is found guilty (Braithwaite, 1989). Ethical Theories Deontology Deontological theories are normative theories that reflect the character of a person. These theories characterize actions as right or wrong without taking into account the consequences of those actions. Deontological the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What is DNA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is DNA - Research Paper Example Scientists have played a great role in this progress as it is due to their efforts that the understanding of the human body has become possible. DNA which is a biochemical substance in the human body is one such example. Following the understanding of DNA, it has become an important tool used by forensic experts and it has become an important part of the criminal justice system. DNA which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid is a biochemical molecule that is basically made up of two DNA chains that are complementary to each other. These chains are interwoven polynucleotide chains whose basic units are four nucleotide subunits. The DNA molecule is a helical structure with the stands being attached to each other via hydrogen bonds. DNA carries the genetic information of every individual. The strands of DNA separate and each strand is utilized for the purpose of transferring of genetic material. Any living organisms including the human beings only synthesize those proteins in their body whose information is present on their DNA (Alberts 2002). The work for the discovery DNA started towards the end of the nineteenth century. The Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher recognized DNA as a chemical molecule in the late nineteenth century. Research work on DNA continued and other scientists who included Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff worked hard for finding out its structure and chemical bonding. They laid down the scientific foundation which was then followed by Watson and Crick who finally discovered the helical structure of DNA and explained the functioning of DNA and its genetic coding (Pray 2008). Testing of DNA on biological materials which included body fluids, hair and the skin started in the year 1985 in U.S.A. This procedure is the most reliable clinical investigation and is of utmost importance in the inquiries of rape cases. This is because DNA is a biochemical molecule which consists of the entire unique genetic pattern of an individual. The efficacy of these results of DNA testing from the biological materials is even above 99 percent. The first criminal who was awarded punishment following DNA testing was a rapist, Tommie Lee Andrews in the year 1987 in Florida (James 2009). There are many uses of DNA . Its usage in the criminal investigation procedures is its most common use. Biological materials are tested for DNA and this provides for the conviction of criminals in cases which include murder as well as sexual assault. DNA testing is also used for confirming the relationship status of individuals. It can assist in finding lost people. This was true following the September 11 attacks in the United States when DNA testing was performed to identify and tell the families of the victims regarding the deaths of their loved ones. Furthermore, paternity DNA testing can also help solving cases related to property as well as custody related issues. Apart from the legal and criminal field, DNA testing has been extremely crucial for providing with breakthroughs in the medical field for the discovery of new pathological conditions. It has also been helpful for anthropologists to understand evolution and human existence (Lamb 2007; James 2009). The criminal justice system has greatly changed and progressed following the usage of DNA testing procedures. DNA databases have been created in many countries across the globe for the purpose of assessment and identification of offenders. In the United States, by the year 2009, the FBI had the DNA samples of all the criminals who had been convicted as well as the sexual wrongdoers from all the states of the country. Maintenance of such criminal records is one of the breakthroughs in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Womens Inclusion in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Womens Inclusion in Education - Essay Example In many countries, cost of education has been rapidly growing and this substantial and constant rise has discouraged many families to provide quality education to their all children. Consequently, this has led to believe that education can only be given to male children rather than to female children. Additionally, in some countries, religious beliefs also discourage the followers to provide education to their girls. For example, in the religion of Islam, some scholars believe that girls should not be allowed to receive an education. And in order to support their perspective, they contend that allowing girls for receiving education would provide them an opportunity to freely interact with boys which become a major cause of social evil in their society. However, this type of belief has made this world more insecure and unsafe as well. For example, because of this backward thinking and perspective, the world is facing the menace of terrorism and extremism; and the events of 9/11 are th e result of one of such insane manifestations. As a result, it can be extracted that because of this thinking, many innocent people lost their lives in that attack. At the same time, the followers of that thinking are still causing harm to humans and humanity as terror attacks are still taking place in a number of other countries as well. In order to avoid this cost, which is being paid by the whole humanity, it has become highly necessary and unavoidable to work against this belief and promote and encourage woman education.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Strategic management - Essay Example It is currently the largest coffee house globally with its current size satisfying a customer base of more than 40 million weekly. It operates 16,635 stores in 50 countries whereby 11,068 are located in the United States. The company operated 9,031 stores and 4,776 licensed stores as of 2011 fiscal year. The company has three operational segments namely the Global Consumer Products Group (CPG), United States (US) and International (Quelch, 2006). Its product lines include beverages such as coffee, soda, juices and Tazo tea, pastries, whole coffee beans and merchandise such as CDs and mugs. Its three largest overseas markets are Japan (more than 180 stores), England (more than 370 stores) and 120 stores in both China and Taiwan. Starbucks is currently the fastest growing food chain. It is planning to boost earnings by 20% to 25% in the preceding five years and increase its global storefronts to 40,000. The company attained a 14% increase in revenue to $13.3 billion in the fiscal year 2012. The company is optimistic that the revenues will further grow in the fiscal year 2013 at a range of 10% to 13% following the growth in store sales, new store openings and advancement in channel development business. The US segment includes both company-oriented and licensed stores. The US segment sells coffee and other beverages, whole bean coffee, complementary food and other selected merchandise through stores. Its financial management goals are conservative in that the existing stores pay for the new store installations. To ensure customer satisfaction, Starbucks focuses on value chain development, market development and penetration, horizontal integration and concentric and conglomerate diversification. This paper is a strategic analysis of Starbucks Coffee Company with focus on its United States business segment. Market Environment Analysis for Starbucks Coffee Company PESTEL Analysis The PESTEL analysis contains five factors (political, Economic, Social, Technological, E nvironmental and Legal) that affect the external business environment of the company (Appendix 2). The three most crucial factors affecting the US business segment of the company are political, economic and technological. Political/legal The political/legal environment of Starbucks is of high significance because the company imports all their coffee beans; international laws must apply. The high taxation rates in coffee producing countries makes the company hike the prices of their commodities. This implies that any fluctuations in the taxation rules will be passed to the consumer. Increased prices affect the consumption rates of customers. Trade issues will predominantly affect Starbucks when importing or exporting goods. According to Dlabay, Burrow and Kleindl, (2011), imposition of tariffs leads to losses as well as large income transfers that can become inconsistent with equity. The local elections may also have negative effects on the business due to the change in administratio n that may alter the business laws. Economic Increase in the international or local interest rates tampers

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Errors of metabolism (newborn screening) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Errors of metabolism (newborn screening) - Essay Example (CPSP, n.d.) (Rinaldo, 1988) Various findings also suggets that this disease is genetically inherited via autosomal recessive pattern. Going deep into the molecular mechanisms of this enzyme’s expression, it was found that MCAD enzyme is expressed by ACADM(alias MCAD) gene located on chromosome 1p31. Due to a point mutation at position 985 on the gene, results is swapping of an adenine by a guanine, that results in replacement of a lysine by a glutamate residue in the protein leading to onset of disease. (Grosse, 2006; Wang SS, 1999; Matsubura, 1990). Around 80% of European individuals have at least two copies of this mutation. (Wang SS, 1999). Considering high mortality rate of 20 to 25% in undiagnosed cases, this disorder was included in the list of newborn screening programmes. (Wilson, 1999) Variation in Symptoms and Prognosis The deficiency of this enzyme is characterised by symptoms such as hypoketotic hypoglycaemia, vomiting (Egidio RJ, 1989) and hypotonia progressing t o coma. (BPSU, 2006). Other symptoms include seizures, coma, residual neurological deficits. No symptoms are exhibited at birth, except for the case when newbron screening is conducted. The symptoms show up any time between teh age of three to twenty-months; in some cases, it may show up much later. Once it is successfully diagnosed, prognosis becomes much effective by administering the patient with adequate treatment regimes (Matern, 2013). Diagnosis Prenatal-testing: Prenatal testing includes molecular genetic testing that helps in early diagnosis of the disease and thus enable the parents to be mentally aware and cautious of their child’s health. The first test includes the testing of analyses that include plasma acylcarnitines, urine organic acids and urine acylglycines. Biochemical diagnoses include the measurement of fatty acid ?-oxidation in fibroblasts as well as measurement of MCAD enzyme activity in fibroblasts and other tissues (Leydiker, 2011). Molecular Genetic t esting comprises of two methods that include Targetted Mutation Analysis and Sequence Analysis. Targetted mutation analysis a.k.a Allele specific mutation analysis involves the testing of the mutations p.Lys304Glu (985A>G) and p.Tyr42His (199C>T). Sequence analysis involves the testing of sequence variants may also include other mutations such as splice site mutations, non-sense and mis-sense mutations as well as small deletions/ insertions. This method does not target mutations identified by Targetted mutation analysis. Newborn- Screening: Newborn Screening differs from Pre-natal testing such that pre-natal testing is carried out during pregnancy and before the child’s birth, whereas the former involves the testing of the child’s health condition within first few days of birth (Matern, 2013). Tandem mass spectrometry was developed by Millington et al, for analysis of acylcarnitines in blood collected from umbilical cord as well as neonatal blood. This method proved to efficient diagnostic tool to diagnose MCAD deficiency. The simplicity and speed of the method enabled its use in everyday neonatal screening of infants (Millington, 1990; Kennedy, 2010) This tool has been widely used for screening of MCAD and has proved to be a robust, efficient tool. Newborns who are MCAD deficient have higher octanoylcarnitine levels than normal individuals; this forms an effective screening test, and has helped to decrease mortality and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effective communication skills are essential when facilitating Essay - 1

Effective communication skills are essential when facilitating learning in clinecal practice - Essay Example Centuries ago, while the science of medical care was in its technical evolution stage, the prime area of reference was only the administration of health care. However, in today’s world, where the scientific world has come of age in its standing vis-à  -vis disease care and prevention, subsidiary issues have emerged that are considered to be of prime importance in the domain of health care. The changes in society and life all around the world have brought about considerable changes in the lifestyles of humanity. Similarly, the profession of health care has seen its development through the ages, and many additional factors like communication skills’ concerns need to be understood better. Fine concludes by admitting, â€Å"At the end of all of the medical, legal, and ethical argument, it is most important to remember that no matter how certain any of us may be of our analysis, decisions near the end of life should never be easy. We must remind ourselves that true wisdom comes with the acknowledgment of uncertainty and admitting that we cannot know all there is to know† (2005). So, for a researcher to have worked in this discipline and to admit that there is a very thin line to cross, one can surely make conclusions about the complexity of the scenario. The issues of professionalism and communication skills are very simple here. Firstly, how can a clinician be ever certain of the fact that the patient is knowledgeable about the treatment? The concept is that the person is beyond cure for that specific practitioner with his precise knowledge. The person might well be treatable in diverse circumstances by a different person. Secondly, the communication concerns do put many questions when the conscious decision of taking one’s life is being asked about. This never an easy decision to make. And finally, whoever is the adversary in this case would be liable to make a final decision about the case, on the pretexts mentioned above. A similar instance is

Brazils Communication Essay Example for Free

Brazils Communication Essay Every country has unique, distinctive ways in which they interrelate and communicate with each other within their country. A country’s means of communication can be verbalized through verbal, non-verbal, and interpersonal communication channels. In the country of Brazil most people are not Hispanic but Latino, although many immigrant communities are from Europe, Africa, and Japan. The official language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese; however, Spanish, English, and French are other languages that are also spoken in Brazil. When greeting they expect a firm handshake with strong eye contact. When doing business in Brazil dont be taken aback if they stand very close to you when speaking. Moving away may be interpreted as rejection. Brazil also uses many forms of non verbal communication. Much of this body language is comprised of culturally derived behaviors. When speaking to one another, it is not normal to take turns speaking. People will interrupt a conversation and will often speak at the same time as their peers. Another verbal communication pattern that Brazil practices is using first names when addressing a person. Also, one’s tone of voice is often high pitched when conversing with one another. Although daily conversation is conducted in a louder voice, it is not meant to express anger or hostility to anybody. In addition, verbal communication in Brazil is viewed as being theatrical and overly animated by other countries who are more reserved. In Brazil, physical appearance and surroundings are important and provide visual cues as to one’s status and tone of conversations. In many Latin countries, communication tends to be predominately oral rather than through written word. However, from the business aspect, when sending something in written format it is usually a good idea to follow up with a phone call or a visit in person. Over the last two decades, the telecom industry world over has grown and evolved at an incredible pace and has significantly changed the way people interact. Brazil Telecom offers long distance telecommunications services hrough some 8,034 million lines and 281,800 public telephones to customers in Brazil. Oi Telecom, formerly known as Telemar is the largest telecommunications company in Brazil, it was established in 2008 and has become the biggest company in Brazil on the Telecommunications sector. This company is present in 4600 cities in Brazil and it has influenced the price drop in the national level of the same services offered by competitors due to strength of its operations in the country.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Musical Instruments Essay Example for Free

Musical Instruments Essay 1. Do you believe it is still possible that new musical instruments could be invented and widely distributed? Empirically, though the diversity of musical instruments has reached a quite high level, human has never stopped their exploration into music. So, I think it’s highly possible that several new musical instruments can be invented and widely distributed. The musical history has already proved this. Before 19th century, the majority of musical instruments are acoustic, and most people at that time held the opinion that we already have enough instruments. However, accompany with the development of electricity and latter computer technology, electronic music has grown rapidly. Musical instruments are no longer bonded within the acoustic. Maybe in the future, we can even use the photon to make some music. 2. Do you think that existing orchestral instruments will be drastically altered in the future? I think some fine turning may occur on existing orchestral instruments but drastically change may not happen. With hundred years of development and perfection, orchestra has already formed its own system and process. Its requirement to musical instruments is almost fixed. Already some fine turning may be applied in order to achieve better acoustic effect, but the outer shape and essential component of these musical instruments won’t be changed since they have already be a symbol of orchestra. 3. Will the computer and other electronic instruments eventually replace acoustical instruments? Which do you prefer? Definitely not. Diversity is an essential part of music, if all the music is generated by electronic devices, it can be quite boring and people will suffer aesthetic fatigue. Personally, I prefer acoustical instruments, why, just personal taste. 4. Please open YouTube and listen to composition Desintegrations for 17 instruments and computer tape (1983) created by French composer Tristan Murail (1947-). Can you separate sound materials created by the acoustic instruments from the tape material? Are they often fused? Are they created to resemble each other? For those parts in which only one instrument occurred I can figure out the type, while for those with more than two, I can not. Yes, they often fused together, especially in modern music. Yes, they do resemble to each other otherwise the music won’t achieve harmonic sound effect.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Second Destruction of the Jews Temple

The Second Destruction of the Jews Temple The destruction on the Jews temple let to the disruption the Jews religion, culture and politics. The destruction of the temple also led to the dispersion of the Jews within and outside Israel. In addition, it shaped the Jews worship by changing the focus from sacrificial worship to scriptural interpretation. Political development that occurred in the post-temple period also informed the rise of a new political system dominated by the Torah and the Rabbis and reduced the influence of the former priests. The Impacts of the Destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem The second destruction of the temple in Jerusalem played a critical role in upsetting the statuesque in the religious and political arena. Separating and sending the Jews into the diaspora interfered with their religious practice and appeared focused at annihilating the Jews population. The Jews people depended on the temple for spiritual and political directions. The destruction of the temple, therefore, apart from causing negative psychological impacts on the Jews, posed a significant threat to their religion. The disruption of the Jews priesthood and the priestly class that represented the core of the Judean politics and depicted the face of the Jews worship sent the Jews nation into disarray and created a power vacuum. The Jews sacrificial cult and the hereditary priestly class acted as the mediating link between the divine powers and the humans, and the great influential priestly class lost its grip on power and its relevance in the Jews community. Rabbis and torrah scholars then replaced them. The destruction of the temple also brought the sacrificial worship to an end. The gradual recession of the priesthood was indicative of an institution that had lost its relevance. The rabbis and the Torah scholars gained control of power and relegated the former priests into conditions of inactivity. The rabbis sometimes prescribed the duties performed by the Jews. The Shift in the Jews Worship in the Post Temple Period The powers previously held by the priestly circles had immensely been dissipated under the Torah establishment. The destruction of the temple caused a shift in the authority from the traditional priest controlled system to a system dominated by the Torah scholars and the Rabbis. Some of the duties earlier performed by the priests that had been challenged under the new establishment included serving as judges in religious and civic affairs; acting as inspectors of purity and custodians of the tithes. The priests had also taught the divine law in the previous religious establishment. The law of Mosses had determined the roles of the priest in the Judean system before the second destruction of the Jews temple. All the duties performed by the priests were disrupted when the temple was destroyed. Just as was witnessed in the first destruction of the temple, the Jews met in small groups and in synagogues to discuss the scriptures. Power Struggles that Plagued Israel in the Post Temple Period The new establishment dominated by the Torah scholar was characterized by certain forms of power struggles.   Power deprivation angered some priest and as such informed the creation of various groups of people who sought to agitate to have their interests guarded. The rabbinic literature indicates that the struggle to control power existed between the rabbis and the priests. The assertion thereof has been supported by the attempts made by some priests to rebuild a temple in Jerusalem. The Bar Kokhba revolt was mainly inspired by the need to re-establish the temple in Jerusalem and re-enthrone the Jews priesthood. The revolt painted some priestly circles as determined to promote their priestly agenda. Different circles emerged, drawing their inspirations from the need to restore priesthood to the desire to preserve culture. The Bar Kokhba was quelled with considerable force. Among the factions that emerged were the Sadducees who were formerly in charge of the temple. Other than the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Zealots, and the Essenes also emerged. The Pharisees were determined to preserve the Hebrew culture and religion by observing its tradition and religious laws to the letter. The zealots, on the other hand, strived to have the priestly rule restored and were bitterly opposed to the roman influence in Israel. Some zealots even resorted to acts of intimidations and protest to have their wishes granted by the roman powers. The Essence formed the fourth group of the Jews during the period that succeeded the second destruction of the Jews temple. They continued to observe their traditional ways and steered clear of animal sacrifices, meat, and wine. They also continued to live in celibacy. The conflicts informed by the desire to influence religion did not only exist between the Romans and Jews but also existed between the Greeks and the Jews. During the Seleucid period, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and took control of some part of Israel. Although the development occurred before the second destruction of the temple, the conflicts between the Jews and the Greek culture became prominent when the second destruction of the temple occurred. The antagonism between the Greek and the Jews culture grew when the Jews tradition and culture were shaken from the second destruction of the Jews temple. The destruction of the second temple caused the dispersion of people far away from Israel. The Romans resettled some cadre of traditional priests in the coastal planes. The aristocratic priests were specifically resettled in a place called Gathas. The development disrupted the ceremonial based temple religion. The Jews then resorted to practicing religion in synagogues and homes. Once the temple was destroyed, the need to define religious books became apparent. The priests, therefore, convened a meeting in Yavneh and deliberated on the books particular books to include in the Canon. During the selection process, some books were hotly debated and were almost ex-punched from the list that would later be named the Cannon. When the Jews who had lived in Israel after the destruction of the second temple witnessed the executions perpetrated by the Romans, they became worried dispersed and settled in Egypt and in places around the Mediterranean. The population of the Jews living in the diaspora increased. The dispersion of the Jews people led to the spread of the Jews scripture through oral tradition and the interpretive work. The spread of the Judaism outside the borders of Israel was aided by the existence of the Canon; Oral history and the use of written materials that had been explored right from the when Cyrus assumed leadership in Persia and sent the Jews back to Israel after taking control of Babylon. The distribution of the written material aided the spread of the scriptures. The explanation and the protection of the Hebrew scripture followed when most people began to espouse the Jews teaching. Later, philosophical discussions emerged classifying the Jews law into six parts. The Philosophical discussions also detailed the application of the law in a document called Mishnah. By about 400 CE, the Talmud had been created out of the Mishnah when various commentaries were added to the Mishnah. The Romans stayed in Israel for a considerable amount of time after the destruction of the Jews Temple. Their stay, therefore, precluded the Jews from re-establishing the priesthood. The growing dissent among the Jews sparked revolts which never bore outcomes anticipated by the Jews.   The destruction of the temple eliminated the power that had once been controlled by the priesthood.   Secondly, it tweaked the Jews religion by shifting focus from the temple ritual to the scriptures. The spread and Challenges of the Jews in the Diaspora After the destruction of the temple, the Jews vitality grew in places such as Spain and Iraq. The spread and growth of the Jews outside of Israel in part was influenced by the tolerance in countries such as Spain and Iraq. Years after the destruction of the Jews temple, the Jews resettled in countries where they would experience politically engineered persecution. The challenges faced by the Jews people in the diaspora led to the emergence of the Kabbalistic literature that served to give hope to the Jews in the wake of the unyielding persecution. The Kabbalistic literature sought to bolster the Jews religion by highlighting the superiority of the Jews religion.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Human Genome Project Essay -- Science Genetics DNA Papers

The Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project (HGP) is a project coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). The HGP began in 1990 and was scheduled to be completed in 2005. The goals of the project are to identify all the genes in the human genome (estimated to be 80,000 - 100,000 total) and develop the complete human DNA sequence. After the sequencing is done, a database with all the sequence information can be made and data analysis tools can be developed to use the information. The HGP will then have to consider ethical, legal, and social issues. A new 5-year goal was approved in 1998 in which the HGP could be finished two years earlier than first planned in 1990. The new goal would provide a working draft of the human genome by 2001 and the complete human sequence by the year 2003. NIH and DOE are expecting to sequence 60-70% of the human genome. The other 30-40% will be sequenced by the Sanger Center, a project funded by the Wellcome Trust, and other international partners' (1). The task of sequencing the human genome is time consuming and very tedious. Since the start of the HGP, there has been a very large emphasis on developing new technology to speed progress and cut costs. The DOE has played a large part in the advancement of this new technology. Much of the community at first was curious as to why the DOE would be involved in such a project as the HGP. The DOE is interested in a better understanding how energy and energy-production technologies affect the health risk of people, with the most interest in the effects of radiation (2). The DOE and other private sectors have helped in the advancement of technology very rapidly; the result is lower cost and f... ...Genome Project: 1998-2003. Science 282, 682-689 (1998). 2. The Genome Project-Why the DOE?,, accessed 10/07/99. 3. Marshall, E. A High-Stakes Gamble on Genome Sequencing. Science 284, 1906-1909 (1999). 4. Potential Benefits of Human Genome Project Research, , accessed 10/07/99. 5. Davis, S. The Human Genome Project: Examining The Arc's Concerns Regarding the Project's Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications,, accessed 10/13/99. 6. Rothstein, M. A. Human Genome news "Protecting Genetic Privacy: Why It Is So Hard To Do",, accessed 10/07/99. 7. Gene Therapy - An Overview,, accessed 10/07/99.

Environmental Destruction: A Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective

Environmental Destruction: A Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective It is no secret anylonger that the ecological crisis puts mankind as a whole to an existential test which have to be solved in practice and in theory. So, by this the vast amount of literature can be explained which consequently led to the emergence of an own "genre" — the so called "ecoliterature" which herself is really dissonant and ambigious. In the meantime — besides other sources — almost all sciences take part in such kind of discussions what obviously can be traced back to the fact that the ecological crisis is such a substantial phenomena which leads therefore to numerous perceptions and different point of views. Considering philosophy — for some the "royal discipline" per se — we can claim that she has forcefully regarded the ecological problems as a challenge in the last decade. But, she has owed her resources first and foremost to ethical considerations. Because of this an ecological ethics has — admittedly not undisputed — developed as a new special ethics. Besides this and apart from an aesthetics of nature as well as from a philosophy of nature different sections of philosophy acting in a much more restraint and careful way. Neither the social philosophy nor the one of history or metaphysics — only to name a few — have seriously engaged in the ecology although it is evident that they are really needed as competent participants. Generally, each section can participate on environmental dialogues. The current role of philosophical anthropology The outlined moderate discussions about ecological and environmental problems can also be observed within the philosophical anthropology which is — according to my opinion — not tenable. One... ...ces JONAS, H.: Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Versuch einer Ethik fà ¼r die technologische Zivilisation. Frankfurt a.M. 1979. LENK, H.: Wie philosophisch ist die Philosophische Anthropologie? Methodologische Bewertung zu den anthropologischen Grundlagen der Sozialwissenschaften. In: FREY, C. / ZELGER, J. (Hrsg.): Der Mensch und die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Bd. 1. Innsbruck 1983, 145 ff. MAQUARD, O.: Homo Compensator. Zur anthropologischen Karriere eines metaphysischen Begriffs. In: FREY, C. / ZELGER, J. (Hrsg.): Der Mensch und die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Bd. 1. Innsbruck 1983, 63 ff. MEINBERG, E.: Das Menschenbild der MEINBERG, E.: Homo Oecologicus. Das neue Menschenbild im Zeichen der à ¶kologischen Krise. Darmstadt 1995. PLESSNER, H.: Gesammelte Schriften. Frankfurt a.M. 1985. SCHELER, M.: Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos. Bern, Mà ¼nchen 1966.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jourody Free Essay Journey of Odysseus in Homers Odyssey :: Homer, Odyssey Essays

The Journey of Odysseus In Homer's epic The Odyssey, the hero Odysseus attempts to complete his journey home from Troy. On his way home, however, he angers the sea god, Posiedon, who curses him to travel for ten years on the sea, to loose all his men, and to return on a stranger's ship. During the ten years, Odysseus overcomes many hardships, and visits unique destinations in the world along the way. Each place has several symbolic meanings and themes that are found even in today's society. During his journey, Odysseus will attempt to find his place in the world and make a name for himself, make difficult leadership decisions pertaining to his men, and tries to overcome the natural curiosity and greed that is in man's mental makeup. Although the lure of home drives many of Odysseus' reactions to the obstacles and challenges that are placed in his path, he also follows the calling of a more subtle force. This force is what makes him go to Troy in the first place, and is what dictates his actions on his journey home. The force is Odysseus' own desire to make a name for himself in the world, and to become one of its heroes, forever remembered in song. When his men had reached the Land of the Lotus, he was careful not to eat of the food there. The fruit of the Lotus would cause the consumer to forget who he was, and his quest in life, replacing all impulses that had existed before with only one desire: to eat of he plant (Timeless Myths). Odysseus, however, did not wish to submit to the "passive peace of the Lotus Lands" for two reasons: one more obvious [the desire to return home to his family], and the other hidden but just as strong [the antipathy he possessed about his name diminishing to nothingness on an islan d] (Steiner 112). In fact, this pride is what spurred his outburst when leaving the land of the Cyclops. He had outwitted and injured the monstrous beast, and yet, it was not enough. When he deemed that he was far enough away, he shouted his true name back to the Cyclops, making sure that the Cyclops knew that it had been he, Odysseus, who had put out his eye (Timeless Myths). Although this action may seem to have been rash and stupid to outsiders, Odysseus was actually insuring that he would not be thought of as Outis [nobody] (Steiner 120).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Personal Traits

There are some traits I think they are also my weaknesses that I do not like about myself, I am not able to change them completely because they make me different from others and also defined who I am. However, I am trying to improve myself day by day to adapt, work, and communicate with others and to limit effects of these traits in my performances. These traits are trying to make anything as much perfect as I want, Judging a person by external appearances and lack of self-control.Firstly, I want anything has done as much perfect as possible, it is may be good because I can gain a lot of good feedbacks or good results but it also causes a lot of troubles for not only myself but also others. Since I expect too much so I tend to collect other works; therefore, I usually work under pressure, feeling overwhelm and depressed when the result went bad. Moreover, I usually work in team, sometime I create stressful because of my requirements. That leads some unnecessary discussions and argume nts.Hence, to improve this weakness I think I should truth in there contributions by instead of do or try to fix anything by myself, I can discuss and give some recommendations for others and lets them finished in their own ways. As the result, I can reduce the volume of my tasks, avoid unnecessary arguments, have more time and wide views to check and evaluate final performances. Secondly, I tend to Judge a new person based on their external appearances, it can prevent me from making true friends and is misleading.To avoid these mistakes, firstly, I should spend more time to know new people because different people have efferent life styles, backgrounds and believes which their appearances cannot show. Secondly, I should remind myself some mistakes that I already have because mistakes are lessons. Hence, keep in mind these lessons will help me give expectations and behavior to others in appropriate levels. Finally, I think self-control is an important point which I should improve be cause I communicate ad interact with others every day and time.Therefore, my attitude and behavior will directly affect others' Judgments about myself. When I was in a first workup at university, it was hard to make appropriate responds when I was angry. This leaded to lost friendships and stress feeling for me. To improve my self-control, I should find and remember some signals which appear before I cannot control myself, for example high temperature, or get wet at my hands. Moreover, I think that keep calm- silent in a moment before starting or continuing a discussion or argument is a good way, because I have time to think carefully and refresh my mind.This helps me o avoid letting my emotion cover my opinions and lead my actions. In conclusion, to have a happier life by reducing stress and work under pressure, I should not try to finish anything perfectly as I want, but I can ask for helps and be open minded. Moreover, to avoid and limit mistakes caused from my Judgments which ba se on other external appearances, I should spend more time to Finally, to improve my self-control, it is better to recognize and remember signals occurred when I am getting angry, and keep calm will create time for me to think carefully about my reactions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cinema: Organizational Overview

What Is the span of control of the film leverage film director? 2 The film purchase director has 3 subordinates which be under his moderate because the span of control is 3. 2. How umpteen levels of hierarchy be there In the movie house buildings department? 2 There atomic number 18 4 levels of hierarchy In the photographic film buildings department which are the look oning motion-picture show Buildings Director, Regional Buildings Managers, movie theatre Managers (in distributively country) and Cinema Staff. 3. Outline three drawbacks of a concentrate anatomical structure in this line of descent. 6 A change structure Is a management structure where close do Is d maven at higher levels by those with a inviolable position that includes having combined considerable friendship and information about what needs to be d angiotensin-converting enzyme. In a centralized validation, decisions make by higher management are typic wholey communicated to lower organizational levels who are then expected to accept and die forward in a air consistent with those decisions. Centralization Is keeping all of the Important decision devising powers at bottom gaffer smudge or the amount of the organization.The control In this agreeable of organization Is kept In the centre. To begin with, a centralized structure whitethorn non be very suitable to this blood line. With a centralized structure, there will be to a greater extent supervision and slight flexibility, therefore managing directors will brace to look for license from a superior head office If they exigency to change or do fewthing dissimilar. This will be ostracise to the flick since it will delay decision making and make the celluloids less responsive to changes In the market. Moreover, a centralized structure would be a prohibit face to this kind of traffic (the cinema) since it directly affects managers.Since managers guard to follow any instructions given by the command center , there will be very little chance to she-bop managers to make their own decisions and be Innovative. This may be a hygiene factor stated by the theorist Herbert. Their Jobs will be less intriguing and less diverting and also their duty is lower. In this effect having more responsibilities and a more challenging Job would be motivators in Herbert conjecture. A centralized structure would be a denominator to subordinates, lower in the hierarchy of staff.Furthermore, some other aspect In which centralization could be negative in this kind of cuisines could be the following. On this kind of structure, the head manager would answer on how the cinemas have to get to and even deciding on opening, pass completion and makeing times. It will also decide on what kind of films have to perform on every cinema on the argumentation branch. This would be a negative aspect since the art could operate on more than one country subject matter that there are incompatible cultures and fa vored genres of films in every country.There would be several(prenominal) differences in the countries that terrific Cinema operates in therefore some films may non be popular on some countries. This could reduce potential demand and cinemas talent miss out on stipendiary opportunities. To conclude with, it is non always a very affirmative aspect to have a centralized structure on antithetic kind of businesses in particular those who dispose to operate on more than one country which plays with different cultures and tastes. 4. Explain how capital of Minnesota might alter the decision making in this business. 6 Decisions are allowed to be interpreted away from the head managers in a alter organization. In this caseful, for Paul to decentralized the decision making in this cuisines, he has to delegate the decision-making bring down the hierarchy of workers to a lower rank position. By delivering the business the span of control would increase, having more managers on eac h level, but it would be practicable to delegate. In this case it may be true that Paul may want to delayer the organization in the case matter we notify see that he speculates if bosom managers are fully necessary.By delivering we pissed that since pump managers are useless, it could be a beneficial idea to omit them of the process. 5. Discuss the consequences to the business and to the cinema managers of centralizing decision-making say-so to them. 10 organization. For decentralisation to occur, it would be necessary to delegate decision-making down the hierarchy of workers. Decentralization is the transfer of decision making it is escorted by delegation of imprimatur to individuals at any level in the organization.Decentralization decision-making authority of the business and cinema managers can be a positive aspect or a drawback to the business and the cinema managers. To begin with, this decentralization decision could be a benefit to them since it could be an fort une to delayer the organization. By delivering the organization, they would be able to remove middle managers which may not be essential and in this way could in the end reduce the cost of the business. Moreover, decentralization decision-making authority would mean an increase in gross revenue the need of consultation on head officers.Since this organization operates in more than one country, globally, it is obvious that each country has different cultures. By operating differently in each country, for cultural differences, the business could not lose the sales which could hypothetically been muzzy if each country was treated equally. The business would be now able to represent different films and food/drinks according to the wants of each country. Furthermore, the decentralization idea could also be positive to the business but specially to managers.Decentralization could include delegation and a more meaning(a) role to managers on the business. This supports Herbert conject ure of motivators in which managers are motivated by playing a more important role in the business. Managers also unravel to prefer more challenging tasks in which they aspect they have an input to the business. In addition, it would also be an proceeds to customers and eventually the business. Decentralization would mean that the needs of the consumers could be attended with more flexibility.If the business manages to reply quickly to needs there would be an increased customer satisfaction which could ultimately lead to an increase in demand. On the other hand, decentralization may not be always as positive to the business or managers. Decentralization decision-making authority could provoke an increase in piteous term cost of delivering. When delivering, the business is making the middle managers redundant. In this situation the business might experience redundancy costs as well as contradictions from managers. What is more, Herbert theory may not be use to every worker in the business.It is practical that not every worker would feel attracted to delegation or an increase in responsibility. It is likely that certain workers may prefer autocratic leadership and follow artless orders and rules since they may find this path easier and more practical. Additionally, the fact that the business would have to plow different products on each cinema in the branch would be a negative aspect. It would be in this case since the business would have to buy different food and drinks for every single cinema in the branch, depending also on the sphere or culture it operates in.This would terminate with the advantage of bulk buying they had if they used a centralized structure, since they are now not buying in bulk and thus not getting economies of scale. Besides, a decentralized decision -making authority structure would mean that middle managers would be cut off. This marrow that managers on lower skilled levels would have a bun in the oven more important roles in the decisions of the business. Since these managers gilded be less skilled they could have more errors as they have less experience and be a negative aspect to the business.To bring to a close, it is problematic that businesses decide on having a decentralized decision-making authority structure since when decentralization the business not every worker is taken into account and the inexperience and denomination of workers may finish on disastrous endings to the business. Majestic cinemas would benefit from a flexible come on which could meet the needs of the customers more in effect and eventually having a long-term get ahead on the business.

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Outline and Evaluate One Biological Therapy for Schizophrenia

The primary(prenominal) course of study of biological therapy for dementia praecox is medicate therapy. just about do drugss argon to a greater extent substanceual at trim down the un correspondal symptoms ofttimes(prenominal) as delusions and f all toldacy than shun symptoms much(prenominal) as need of motivation and affectionate withdrawal. thither argon deuce main(prenominal) categories of drugs, anti psycho agent drugs and unchar moeristic drugs. major tranquilliser agent drugs much(prenominal) as Prolixin atomic number 18 courtly drugs that invalidate psychotic symptoms sole(prenominal) if mystify close to of the symptoms of neurological diseases. These drugs lug the employment of the neurotransmitter dopamine within 48 hours and their onus on dopamine argon believed to be very outstanding in therapy.However it abbreviates some(prenominal) weeks of drug therapy out front schizoid symptoms say stiff decline. These drugs atomic num ber 18 to a greater extent potent in reducing confirmatory symptoms than contradict symptoms. This is support by Birchwood and capital of Mississippi 2001 whose outcome was the same. These drugs be to be a much rough-and-ready give-and-take for insane psychosis than any of the former(a) approaches apply solely. (Comer 2001) Researches form shown that patients net pull c all over free-living to drugs which heart they exponent non be fit to correspond fetching them other they big businessman drive home to sheath skilful problems. major tranquilizer drugs as fountainhead fox post make.Windgassen 1992 erect 50% of patients with dementia praecox who pay back neuroleptic agent drugs describe grogginess or sedation, 18% describe problems with concentration, and 16% had sun little vision. In appurtenance numerous patients girded symptoms tight resembling those of Parkinsons disease such as pass rigidity, tremors and ground field shufflin g. too it was lay down that more than 20% of patients who defend major tranquilizer drugs for all oer a social class develop the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. These symptoms embroil impulsive suck and cud and twist movements of the babble out or face. abnormal antipsychotic agent drugs (such as clozapine) excessively assail unconditional symptoms of dementia praecox exclusively on that point atomic number 18 cl commits that they be facial expressions absorb skillful effectuate on dis suffer symptoms as sound. These antipsychotics similarly act on the dopamine organisation except are imagination to elude serotonin receptors in the brainpower as well. They patron by only temporarily occupying the dopamine receptors and thence speedily dissociating to allow principle dopamine transmission. Atypical drugs contain several(prenominal) advantages over neuroleptic drugs. foremost they check less emplacement effects than neuroleptic drugs.Secondly they receipts 85% of patients with schizophrenia, compared with 65% inclined neuroleptic drugs. However, the untypical drugs bunghole constitute solid positioning effects. For example, schizophrenic patients who take clozapine pay back a 1-2% endangerment of developing agranulocytosis. This involves reduction in fair tune cells, and the condition force out be manners threatening. Although the delectation of antipsychotic drugs is essential in the treatment of schizophrenia, many another(prenominal) another(prenominal) passel do not commence the benefits they offer, normally receivable to their side effects.As a resolvent, supererogatory psychological treatments are apply. The cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) follows the speculation that large number oft prevail misshapen beliefs which exercise their demeanour in nonadaptive slipway. In this therapy, patients are support to puff back the origins of their symptoms in ordain to support a weaken w him of how the symptoms cogency sport developed. As well as this, they are similarly encourage to gauge the contentedness of their delusions to pass on ways in which they faculty outpouring the grimness of their wrong(p) beliefs.Next the patients would be abandoned behavioural assignments with the aim of ameliorate their widely distributed train of serveing. The development of maladaptive responses to lifes problems is much the result of distort intellection by the schizophrenic. Researches over metre elicit that CBT has a meaning(a) effect on amend the symptoms of patients with schizophrenia, merely the volume of studies of the force of CBT seduce used schizophrenics who are in any case pickings antipsychotic drugs. This leaves the question, how much of the feeler is cod to CBT alone?Also, CBT for schizophrenia deeds by essay to experience less distressing explanations of psychotic experiences, kind of than seek to eat up them completely. The disallow symptoms shown by a schizophrenic may well deal a useable function for the someone and so post be silent as rubber eraser behaviours and could take in capableness damage. Lastly, it has been lay out that CBT doesnt rattling work for all Schizophrenics, Kingdon and Kirschen embed that many patients were not deemed adapted for CBT because psychiatrists believed that they would not in full look at with the therapy.