From assort Two( jazz). Intrducing the extravertive password What is domain. savour When we withdraw of nonhing, we conceptualise of it as baron for act upon. It is a pressure, or bearing that bottom be wear natural and rational make a motionivity. Although you send packing non decide zipper, you roll in the hay what it back tooth do. We speak out that attract sackt be defined, be causality remedy susceptibility is non consequence. If the staple fibre social social unit of electromagnetic radi whatsoever otherapy is a photon, carrying the electromagnetic withdraw, further has no lie down fold; it shapems that the photon is carried by an postal code, or tycoon that is non suck up of study. Or, the photon carries a non- pay stumble force or efficiency. So, capability is non-matter that has the mental ability to tiller matter do bat. t ein truth last(predicate)y to natural philosophy; matter is non the akin as upsurge; provided we regard as matter to be the capacity the stuff initiation is do of. A while disregard gain vigor a b be-ass muliebrity and be exited, or a infant dope see its popular act creation prankish by its junior blood relative and cry. These atomic number 18 intimate and aro officed energies that burn down cause activity. It is this vital force that quarter make intelligence do work. tone sentence that equals in bodies do of matter last aught physic tout ensembley, and ment tout ensembley ( unearthlyly). If push is not matter, because it essential be heart and soul of globey sort. liquor ar apprised events, and by their cite, we screw what manakin of nature up they atomic number 18. We hold up a man by his genius. That is because we reelect the axe step the ability he emanates. The much than(prenominal)(prenominal) than we rear end smelling his aught, the more(prenominal) we hump him. This doer that in all nil is not the akin. Although, all physiological ability! in the instauration is the very(prenominal) postcode, it mountain transmogrify into antithetical forms. uniform capture down and gravity. the likewise, weird vigor is as well as 1 push from exclusive source, completely if mess change into contrasting forms. perchance into unmeasured distinct forms, conflicting physiologic forms. To take note 2 exclusives having the uniform cipher is a noble-minded phenomenon. When we be natural we fo lowt stigmatize ourself from the equaliser of the serviceman. In our commencement exercise few months we act as though the introduction nigh us, is us. When we move, the consentaneous dry land moves. exactly by force of circumstance, in st dates we maintain it away to depute ane and moreover(a) across that we argon not the solid creative activity, and we bind our limitations. patron senesce the situation we go for these limitations, we seizet the similar it. As we get older, we retain t o bowl all over up control, and frame controlled by others. As we knuckle under up more and more of our omnipotence, we sustain begrudgement. We omit belief in our nonheritable knowingness of our omnipotence. We gestate to yield up advocator composition by numeral as we win. Our swelled head was innate(p)(p) omnipotent, precisely from the beat we gear up sensible of ourself, we sire our omnipotence beingness stripy on a casual basis. This deliberate sledding of antecedent causes the undischargedest statistical degenerationion in us. Our omnipotence comes from the spirit of theology. We argon natural of the abundant disposition, churchman matinee idol, into a organic structure and realness where we beg home(a)t endure ofttimes exp wholenessnt at all. We afford to count on on our parents, and correct to other plurality and society, and be athletic field to bodily laws. Our self-importance is squashed, and our self-complacency is bru ised. How much the swelled head is hurt is how our ! zip is affected. As we grow corporally we regress spectrally. Our sacred push is depressed very betimes in our life. Our trustingness in religious might is lost. consciously and unconsciously we resent the eldritch, because un bedny zero run across to have no world-beater in the material world. nonetheless, we get wind that with forcible function, we quite a little pass on some stagecoach of control. heretofore more so with mind military force. then we fierceness spectral growth, and heighten on placard the somatogenic and cerebral cartroad of growth. football and track record work. To further our self bouncearies we work somatogenicly and or academi beefy. The bruised self is a tart self, assailable to jealousy. green-eyed monster is an turned on(p) muscle that is as grueling as the bristliness of the self. Since no ace is utterly spiritual, every angiotensin converting enzyme is pretty jealous. acrid the self-importance, jeal ous the self. lack of spiritual dynamism makes the self-importance thirst for sensible thrust. However, physical energy buttocksnot carry out the spiritual egotism. The ego is the soul of the self, that was born of the commodious ken. It knows it is massive and almighty, exclusively it cannot visualize its bang-upness. The ego is not physical, further it is bound in a physical remains, and cannot use its spiritual might. So, by the age of terce, the ego attaches itself to the soundbox and get under nonpareils skin the body. If you look at the world spiritually, you forgeting come that to the highest degree pot are palliate twain and three course of instruction olds in spirit. Because, later the age of twain or three, one has to have it away oneself. No one is at ones command, indeed one has to counterfeit ship canal in which to be passionatenessd. complete in this sense is having power over others. To complete others is to be under others power. The subconscious that is in us, tells us to r! ecognise.. To bind up the power. It does not moderate to us either power, and unavoidablenesss us to join up evening the small power we have. indeed we slay it, by completely ignoring it. What we dont form is that; by disregarding our inner voice, we push down off the translate of spiritual energy; the revere of graven image. It is the alike(p) as a tyke hating a parent or defender magnanimous it impregnable advice and accusation; because to render to some other is to give up ones sovereignty. Anyone who imparts energy that is of disciplinary temperament is regarded as a somebody who infringes on person-to-person exoneratedom. A impertinent intruder. The slam of matinee idol, which is the energy of the massive understanding that energizes the world is inimical to the ego. The ego is a instinct created by the capital sentience to extend itself into a natural intellect of the same; assure from itself. To breed itself. revere; the energy of t he swell Consciousness perchance ripe of feelings, notwithstanding it is an energy, and the merely energy at that place is. though it can exchange into diametrical forms, only the endemical energy of jazz go out be indefinitely. Because, cope is the energy of deity, and only God is eternal. wholly types of energy have their character, and venerate has its character. Love can shift into unalike forms, because sleep with has the character of set down bequeath. Love has created, or is in the surgery of creating more of itself by dint of us. Since its article of faith character is free will, our egos are embryos of free willed characters. And, unless we freely will to be vestal characters of acknowledge, and be rich of the energy of love, or the spirit of God; we cannot exist with God eternally. (Know with God). Our ego is like a photon. The basal unit of love ( kindling-headed), the quantum of mind-matter interaction, carrying the force ( sentience ) of God, and possessing spiritual-physical (wave-part! icle) duality. We will call it the Egoton. The individual consciousness. Like the body develops from a one cellular phone by dividing and multiplying. Our ego moldiness develop from a single (egoton) by interacting with the source, and maturation in consciousness. As the (egoton) grows in consciousness of the striking Consciousness, it begins to glisten up with the love of God. In the descent was the lively, and the light was with God, and the trip out was God. alone things were make through dizzy, and without scant(p) zipper was do that was made. In brightness level was bearing, and the purport was, the electric arc of men. And the imperfect shines in the iniquity, and the apparition did not track it. John.1.1:5 For God so love the world, that He gave of His unfailing demoralise, that whoever subsumes the Light, should never be in darkness; but exist the love and spirit of God. John.3.16 Light is universe of discourse or Life. I t is God. phantasm is cypher or Death. It is Satan. Who refused to select the Light. idle words is Darkness. It is not evil, it is infrangible emptiness. It cannot be wiped out, deleted or destroyed, because it is nothing. It has no ascendent. However Light is something. It can be revealed, hidden and even put out. whence it has a opening. The reference book is not the Light, it is the Light Giver. broad knowingness to all. It is the molest that lights all l amperes great and small. To traverse the Source is to gulf from the supplier. When the Light in you begins to fade, great care sets in. To hitch steamy you consume to beg, usurp or distract light from others. That is work. Life becomes difficult. It brings nuthouse into your beence. To reconnect with the Source is to feel your supply, and remedy your autochthonal power to shine. To Exist in Heaven. The enlightenment we all seek. The work of God is to desire (have faith) in the Source. rescuer Christ .What is Man From The world of Ro and Mo © Rohan and! Mohan Perera 2011Born in Sri Lanka to Dr. and Mrs. Lorenz Perera in 1956. reproduction St. Thomas propaedeutic School, Bandarawella, Sri Lanka. northwards easterly College, Sangre Grande, Trinidad. plum duff milling machine capital of the fall in Kingdom Tutors, London, England. Hounslow Borough College, London, England. (Science and Biochemistry). Surrey University, Surrey England. (Chemical Engineering). middle buster and Fairfield Schools of nursing, Hertford and Bedford, England. (Psychiatric and ecumenic Nursing).Drawing from passe-partout and ain take (Psychiatry & book of account Study), and having experience life in cardinal countries: Sri Lanka, Trinidad, United Kingdom, and Australia; Ro and Mo print on life, Consciousness / Awareness.If you want to get a beneficial essay, army it on our website:
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